Virtual Admin Assistant

We organize and keep you on top of your game with one of our highly trained Virtual Administrative Assistants. They can help you with your schedule, e-mail management or other tasks so you can just check it off your check list and consider it done. Our  Virtual Administrative Assistants can help you both in business and in your personal life so you can stay on top of things.

Common Problems of a Business Owner

Oftentimes, business owners, especially the start-ups and the expanding ones, often experience the following:

  • They get flustered with the volume of incoming communications.
  • They find themselves missing new business opportunities and partnerships due to being swamped by the daily tasks, leaving them no time to meet new clients and read new emails.
  • They miss important calls and meetings due to overfatigue over micromanaging administrative tasks.
  • They want to hire assistants, but find that it’ll make the expenses go higher.

The Dilemma Solution - BVAide Virtual Administrative Assistant

BVAides VAAs organize your business and personal matters—they’re not just office administrative assistants, but they can also be your administrative assistants.

Simply put, a BVAide VAA can do more than the regular staffer. Let’s get you started in having your VAA.

The Difference: BVAide VAA vs. Locally Hired Physical Assistant

BVAide VAA Locally Hired Physical Assistant
Has great knowledge and skill in using various office applications—it’s what they are, tech-savvy!
Most probably, they only have a surface-level knowledge of office/clerical applications; you’ll have to train them with apps that deal with employee management and graphic design.
Costs much less than a locally hired physical assistant—all you have to pay them are their salaries.
Besides their salaries, you’ll have to pay for their social security, healthcare, insurance, taxes, and a boatload of other expenses.
Can work without direct supervision—they will only consult you when needed.
With a limited tech skillset, they will need monitoring from time to time.
We assist you in managing your BVAide VAAs: when one can’t report for work due to the most unavoidable circumstances, we field a temporary VAA to work for you that day until your assigned VAA returns to work.
Well, they have an incomplete skill set, they're more expensive, they'll need constant monitoring, and, due to COVID-19, they won't risk coming to work often. Look at the left table and you'll see a more advisable option.

BVAide VAAs are the symbolisms of office efficiency coupled with a financial-friendly attribute. They are office staffers who effectively assist your handling of operations whilst saving you the cost of having to hire a local regular administrative aide.